#How Folding Cranes Helps People Cope with Loss
Meta:This article explores how the act of folding cranes helps individuals cope with loss and grief.

Origami cranes, particularly the traditional Japanese paper crane known as 'Orizuru,' have become an international symbol of hope, peace, and healing. This article explores how the act of folding cranes helps individuals cope with loss and grief.

Defining Expertise in Article Writing

To be considered an expert article writer, you don't necessarily need a formal degree or extensive credentials in the traditional sense. Expertise can be developed through various life experiences and practical knowledge.

Everyday Expertise

Google's Search Quality Evaluator Guidelines recognize that people can develop expertise through everyday life experiences. For example, someone who has written detailed reviews of products or shared tips on forums and blogs can be considered an expert in those areas, even without formal education or training.

Types of Expert Writers

There are several types of expert writers:

  • Credentialed Experts: These are individuals with formal qualifications such as doctors, nurses, or CPAs who write about their specialized fields.
  • Experts with Resume Experience: These writers have real-world experience in the field they are writing about. For instance, a retail salesman writing buying guides or a software developer writing about start-ups.
  • Authors with Publishing Authority: These are writers who have bylines in major publications and are recognized for their expertise in specific subjects.

Writing Like an Expert

Even if you are not an expert in a particular field, you can still write like one by following several key strategies:

Write as You Talk

Writing in your natural voice and style makes your content more relatable and engaging. Imagine conversing with someone about your topic and use that tone in your writing. This approach helps you sound more authentic and less formal, which is often more appealing to readers.

Research Effectively

Using trustworthy sources such as Google Scholar and up-to-date information is crucial. Avoid user-generated sites like Wikipedia and ensure that your research is current. Bookmarking reliable sites and using specific search tools can help you find the best information.

Be Concise and Specific

Experts are known for their ability to get their point across clearly and concisely. Avoid unnecessary words and focus on making your point directly. Being specific about what you are discussing makes your argument more convincing and easier for readers to follow.

Seek Expert Review

If possible, have someone familiar with the topic review your work before submission. This can include sending questions to your client or having them look over your draft to ensure accuracy and expertise.

Establishing Authority

To establish authority as an expert writer, you can implement several strategies:

  • Include Quotes from Credentialed Experts: Adding quotes from experts in the field can enhance the credibility of your content.
  • Use Current, Authoritative Research: Link to reliable sources to back up your facts and statistics.
  • Have a Credentialed Pro Review Your Content: Having an expert review your work before publication can add to its authority.

Practical Tips for Freelance Writers

Fake It Until You Make It

Sometimes, you need to sound like an expert even when you're not fully familiar with the topic. However, it's important to know your limits and not pretend to be an expert in areas where you lack substantial knowledge. Effective writing takes practice, and it's better to be honest about your limitations.

Build Your Portfolio

Show potential clients that you can write high-quality content by showcasing your samples. Even if you don't have extensive experience, demonstrating your ability to write engaging and well-researched articles can help you secure assignments.

Network and Find Opportunities

Research publications and websites where you'd like to contribute. Note the publications your target clients have worked with and send queries to those outlets. This approach can help you get your foot in the door and build your credibility as a freelance writer.

Conclusion on Expertise

Being an expert article writer is not just about having formal credentials; it's about demonstrating practical knowledge, effective writing skills, and the ability to engage your audience. By following these strategies, you can establish yourself as a credible and skilled writer, even if you don't feel like an expert at the outset.


Folding paper cranes is more than just an art form; it is a powerful tool for coping with loss. It offers a combination of mindfulness, emotional expression, and community solidarity, helping individuals navigate the complex and often overwhelming process of grief.